Above Left: Delnara El, Away From, 27.5" x 27.5", Digital and collage; Right: Armin Mersmann, Red Plow, Digital montage 

Digital Art, Assemblage 
and Collage III

Deadline April 30, 2025

           SlowArt Productions presents the group exhibition, Digital Art, Assemblage and Collage III.  This exhibition will focus on the various forms of digital art, assemblage and collage.  The exhibition will be held at the Limner Gallery from June 19 - July 12, 2025.  All digital and collage art forms including digital photography, digital collage, hand cut paper collage, combinations thereof and assemblages will be reviewed and considered.


 Above left: Helen Kauder, Blue Specimen, Cut Paper Collage; Center: Beverly Logan, Trash Heap, Collaged ink jet prints; Right: John Lawson, A Squat of Vapor Heads, Mixed media collage

The competition is open to all artists, national and international, working in digital art media, hand cut paper collage and 3D assemblage.  Entrants must be 18 years of age or older to apply. Wall mounted works must not be taller than 72" nor wider than 96".  3D work must fit through a standard 36" wide entry door. 

EXHIBITIONWinning artists will be featured in a group exhibition at the Limner Gallery, June 19 - July 12, 2025. The exhibition will also be displayed on the Limner Gallery web site and social media pages.

EXHIBITION TERMS:  Works in the show may be for exhibition only, or for sale. The gallery will take a 35 percent commission on all sales. Sale price is determined by the  artist. 

ENTRY FEES:  There is a $35.00 entry fee for one to four artworks entered, presentation is by digital JPG files or dedicated web page post. There is a $5.00 fee for each additional artwork above four. Details of 2D artwork count as an additional artwork. Assemblage artists may provide one additional view per artwork without extra cost. Artists accepted to exhibit will not be charged any additional fees to exhibitEntry fee payments must be made online at the time of entry by credit card using PayPal, or may be made by check or money order payable to SlowArt Productions.

NOTIFICATION:  Artists will be notified of acceptance or non-acceptance no later than May 17, 2025.  Notification will be by posting the results on or before this date at: http://www.slowart.com/results   Notification will also be made via email, however, due to the general unreliability of email notifications, the results web page shall serve as the official confirmation.  

IMAGE USE / COPYRIGHTS:  Artist retains all copyrights to submitted images and represented artwork.  Digital images submitted with the entry are for exhibition selection only and will be deleted after completion of the selection process. By entering the competition, artists selected to exhibit grant Limner Gallery rights to use the selected image(s) on printed materials and the gallery web site for promotional purposes only. Limner Gallery and/or SlowArt retain no copyrights to artists work.  

PRIVACY POLICY:  Artist contact information (address, telephone, etc.) is only held for the purpose of contacting the selected artists and is not preserved in a database. Entry data and image files are deleted on the completion of the jury process. All artist emails will be added to our future events announcement email list.  Artists who do not wish to be on the email list may unsubscribe when they receive their notification.

DEADLINE: The final deadline is April 30, 2025. Entries must be submitted via email by 12:00 midnight on this date.  

Above Left: Shawn Saumell, Money Shot, Digital montage; Right: Mario Sostre, War Games, Digital Collage. silkscreen, AI



Entry Format:  All entries are via email or web page post with direct html link . Email files must be in JPG format.  Please keep each emailed JPG file 2000 pixels or less on the longest side. Alternatively, images may be posted to a dedicated personal web page, a Google images page or a similar image presentation site page and a link provided to the page. Web page images should not be download restricted. Videos artists may post on a web page or on YouTube, Vimeo or similar video site and provide a link to the page.



If you have questions, email slowart@aol.com