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Strange Figurations
September 7 - 30, 2017
Reception: Saturday, September 9, 5-7pm(SCROLL DOWN TO VIEW WORK)
Thomas Zydek, Jessica 82545.03
Digital photoprint laminated on aluminum dibond, 11.8" x 16.7"
Bailey Berendsen, Snail Girl, Gouache paint on bristol board, 10.75" x 8.75" x 1"
Will Crane, Dirty Mind- But Prayed About It, Acrylic on paper, 8" x 10"
Tommy (Yuckie Warbucks) de Yampert, Bed Head, Gouache, 11" x 14"
Jari Di Giampietro, Patanello, Watercolor on cotton paper, 19.5" x 13.75"
Scott Eagle, The Third Dream of Falling Man, Acrylic on paper, 19” x 27”
Todd Fife, The Kraków Monster as the Virgin of Guadalupe
Mixed media and gold leaf on board, 15" x 20"
William Fillmore, Foie Gras, Painted Stoneware, wood & pennies, 12" x 24" x 24"
Darryl Furtkamp, Philanderer, Oil, collage and glass on panel, 19.5” x 16” x 3”
Mark Graham, La Sacra Conversazione, Acrylics on canvas, 30" x 40"
John Houseman, Hood Ornament, Gouache on illustration board, 7.25" x 8.5"
Zoe Kaplan, Modern Mesh, 02:13, video
Michael Kellner, Conjoined Twin Study 2, Watercolor, 7" x 10"
Laura Kern, Sprouting Relief, Wood Plastic and Glue, 38" x 18" x 17"
Tina Kostadinova, Untitled, Collage, 11" x 14"
Barbara Tepper Levy, Everything She Wants is Everything She Sees, Collage, 18" x 21"
Kelly A McGrath, Ptelea, Kozo fiber, wax- found wood, 2.5" x 2" x 14"
Charles McNary, Chthonic Goddess and her earth bound minions, Graphite, 19" x 24"
D.O., Doll, Pencil on paper, 8" x 6"\
Tania Pomales, Sanguine Despair, Oil on wood panel, 10" x 10"
Alma Elaine Shoaf, There are Thin Dead Things in the Bromeliads
Acrylic, ink, pencil, Watercolor, 22" x 30"
Joe Stavec, She awoke to find herself in a dream, Oil on Canvas, 24" x 24"
Serhat Tanyolacar, Justice, Engraved hybrid print (unique), 46" x 23"
Jon Neal Wallace aka Wjonart, Vision of Liz, Oil, 18" x 24"
Hugo Zanzi, The Land of Feathers 06, Photography, 24” x 18”