Scott G.Brooks
Scott pulls together social
commentary, psychological twists, cultural critique, and physical disfigurements into a
bizarre and captivating visual world. As a resident of Washington, D.C., since 1990, he
has inevitably added a few political jabs to the mix.Lenny Campello, a D.C. art critic, wrote of Scott in his Artomatic 2004 review: "Creating a new place for himself is Scott Brooks, who in this new Artomatic incarnation is like a strange, macabre John Currin, but can paint and draw a lot better than Currin ever learned to. A lot of people were talking about Brooks disturbing images; this is usually a sign of success for any visual artist. Both the police and art collectors need to keep an eye on this talented artist." |
Liberty Takes a Holiday," oil on canvas, 2003, 48" x 60"
Jojo the Dog-Faced Girl Takes Her Walk, oil on canvas, 2004, 12" x 16"
Fabulosity of God (and God Created Man in His Own Image), oil on canvas, 2002, 46" x 31"
"Sanctity 3," oil on canvas, 2004, 12" x 16"