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Greg Lukens
Dangerous Art
I use my family and myself quite a bit to help model the characters in my paintings. There are some autobiographical hints but for the most part I am trying to reenact a scene I have come across. I tend to shy away from explaining or analyzing my work too much. Not that I do not see meaning or have goals in expressing some idea in the work, only that I am not so concerned that 'my idea' be what is defined in the work by the viewer.
Often, too much emphasis is placed on figuring out what a work of art means or is about. While engaging art is important, I think my first goal is to always make the painting a visual spectacle that pulls the viewer in solely by the colors and composition and 'iconic' nature of the subjects. If this is accomplished, then the meaning will follow suit.
I rarely work from sketches or formulated ideas. I simply have an idea or some sort of situation that arises in my head and I try to formulate it onto the canvas. These situations are not always meant to be comfortable or conclusive, rather I strive for those awkward and nervous moments that I imagine everyone might encounter if they were in that situation.
Current Issue Highlights More Readings DA Home About Direct Art